#457 MTRS – Onslaught, Ipek, and Weenie of Subway

MTRS – Maximum Threshold Radio show

Summary: This is sort of a “Best Of” show. We showcased some new music but also some classic interviews with Ipek of Wykked Wytch, Onslaught, and Weenie of West Hollywood’s Subway. Its a fun listen.<br> If you subscribe on iTunes please rate us with 5 stars and please leave a comment as we will read it on air.<br> To download the show. Right click on the DOWNLOAD link above and pick Save As!<br> Remember if you own a Roku you can catch the replay of the show and listen to it on your TV. Just add the private channel to your list. The vanity name is MTTV which is to listen to the 24/7 MT Player, or use for the TV Show video clip MaximumThresholdTV. Get it while its free!<br> Hey, do you have a smart phone? Well we have the app you MUST download! The app is called Tune In Radio go to your market on your phone and download this FREE app. Once you have it installed open Tune In Radio and search for Maximum Threshold . Now you can take us anywhere. Remember you must have a unlimited data plan. Or click here to open the player. Subscribe to our Youtube channel, or scroll up to download the audio of the show.<br> http://facebook.com/maximumthresholdradio<br><br> <a class="twitter-timeline" href="https://twitter.com/MaxThreshold">Tweets by MaxThreshold</a><br><br> https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/maximum-threshold-radio-mtrs/id480567418?mt=2<br> <br> 1,416 total views, 0 views today<br> <br>