37: Join Cullen on the travel podcast around the islands

EATT Magazine Your Travel Podcast App show

Summary: The travel podcast with Cullen<br> Join Cullen as he starts up the EATT Magazine travel Podcast and begins an intriguing island journey…<br> Cullen travels light. His adventures begin in a cab to the airport, where he checks in with a single bag, podcasting gear and a thirst for fine whisky. On arrival, he finds himself immersed in a Festival of Voices. Thousands of singers, choristers and music lovers plan to make the whole island sing, filling the streets and concert halls with music, workshops and a grand winter bonfire.  He finds out what makes people come from all over to the Singing City, and meets some of the people who make this magic happen.<br> Your host’s journey contines as he explores the local whisky meeting local makers, keen to explain the passion and distinctiveness behind each bottle. Cullen has many questions, and is very curious about how the unique climate and pristine waterways  turn grain into liquid gold. Come with him as he tastes, talks and listens his way around some rather special distilleries, which are putting these islands firmly on the world whisky map. Savouring the bracing fresh air and lingering with a glass or two. <br> Things get interesting outside the Information Centre, but a passing band of wolves comes to his rescue. A few red wines later, Cullen boards a boat to his next island destination.<br> Travellers gather round to share their stories, and ancient tales of white animals loom in the mist. A great walrus rises from the ocean depths, and photographs are taken.  The journey ends as it begins with an unusual twist yet to be revealed.<br><br> <br> <a href="https://eattmag.com/master-your-memory-discount-code/?utm_medium=Biils-post&amp;utm_campaign=facebook-post&amp;utm_content=YVs-post&amp;utm_term=discount-code">Master your memory online course discount</a><br> <br>