TNT 1536: Snapchat, No Swiping

Tech News Weekly (Video HI) show

Summary: Hosts: Jason Howell, Megan Morrone Guests: Charles Pulliam-Moore, Molly McHugh Magic Leap is the elusive augmented reality technology that we've been hearing about and seen videos of for years. Today, Wired has video shot directly through Magic Leap technology and it features none other than the cast of Star Wars. Peter Rubin at Wired says Magic Leap and Lucasfilm have entered a strategic alliance to create mixed reality technology together. Apple’s upcoming iOS 10 will include the ability to remove its core apps from the device, although in actuality they aren't fully deleted. We also talk about Microsoft's purchase of Wand Labs and Didi vs. Uber. Next, we talk to Charles Pulliam-Moore about his article in Fusion regarding the black hacktivist in WatchDogs 2. We're also joined by Molly McHugh from The Ringer to talk about how Snapchat keeps stealing filters from make-up artists. Download or subscribe to this show at Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.