All age comic books for June 15, #NCBD

New All Age Comic Books  show

Summary: Hey, did you know we do this in podcast form? And suddenly it’s the middle of June. Our kids love this time of year because that means every Wednesday when the new all age comic books come out they get to come to the store with me. Years ago the comic book store employees weren’t too sure what to make of really small people in the store, but we’ve since assured them that they’ll touch nothing. Now it’s a symbiotic and friendly relationship, with them coming in each week to check out the new comic books and the staff giving them promotional posters from time to time.<br> It’s a very funny week in all age comic books this week. There’s a great graphic novel from Regular Show, Jughead, Walt Disney Comics, Simpsons Comics, Spongebob Comics Annual Giant Swimtacular and more. If you have a 7 year old girl who is looking for something to read check out Strawberry Shortcake #3, it’s got some intrigue, mystery, humor and action all happening in the café.<br> <a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-10042"></a><br> Action and science fiction has some of the classic staples like Doctor Who, Sonic Universe and Transformers. There are also some of the new classics including Plants Vs. Zombies (in their final monthly appearance), Lumberjanes, Dragons Defenders of Berk and many others.  If you have an 8 year old then they might love Luna TheVampire trade paperback Volume 1, Grumpy Space.  Also in that category of interest is Princeless, who has two titles out this week that are helmed by girl power, but have action and writing that anyone can enjoy.<br> Scooby Apocalypse #2 is out this week too. This is the different Scooby-Doo that you heard about. Shaggy is a hipster, Fred is a videographer, Daphne is a TV personality, Velma is a scientist and the world is about the end. Nanobytes that turn people into monsters has been let loose on the world. This series is actually pretty good, but not for young kids. Due to the end-of-world stuff and some comments in the comic book ages 12 and up will be OK with it. Look-Scooby was almost in a dog fight! Yeah, that happened, but this comic is clearly not aimed at the young kids.<br> In superhero all age comic books you’ve got one release this week, Spidey. Ignore the ‘teen’ rating on the cover, the action and tone of this is fine for ages 8 and up.<br> Comedy<br><br> //