Eyefluence is Eye Interaction Technology...A Chat With The Founder and CEO

Positive Phil Show show

Summary: Today we chat with Founder and CEO Jim Marggraff Eyefluence’s technology is based on an IP portfolio with more than 30 patents granted or pending. The company is engaged in development with Fortune 100 and other leading and emerging companies and device manufacturers that are working to accelerate the wide adoption of smart glasses, including AR, VR and MR headsets, for enterprise, industrial, government, and consumer applications.At Eyefluence, we are engineering the ability to transform intent into action through your eyes. Leveraging eye biomechanics and the eye-brain connection with the first-ever eye-interaction technology solution for HMDs, we are expanding human potential and creating new possibility in VR, AR, and MR worlds. We Discuss On The Show.. What does Eyefluence do? -Eyefluence's mission is to "transform intent into action through your eyes." What does this mean? -What is the difference between eye-tracking and eye-interaction? -What problem is Eyefluence solving for the HMD market? -What applications for AR and VR do you see having the biggest impact on the way people use computing devices? -Give an example of how Eyefluence eye-interaction will "expand human potential and empathy." -As someone who is playing a role in shaping the future of this space, where do you see the HMD market in the next 3-5 years? Eyefluence website: http://eyefluence.com/ News coverage: http://eyefluence.com/news/ Blog: http://eyefluence.com/eye-to-eye-blog/ Finding The Wow! http://mjmarggraff.com/ Check out the transcripts on www.positivephil.com