Byte-Sized Virtue S02E05 - It’s Oddly Fitting to Discuss Violence During Holy Week

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Summary: <h4>In which we wrap up the discussion with Paul and look at violence in a real-world context.</h4><br> <p><a href="">Subscribe on iTunes</a> | <a href="">Subscribe on Android</a> | <a href="">Subscribe on Stitcher</a> | <a href="">Subscribe on Podbean</a></p><a id="more-6148899"></a><h4>Podcast Topic(s)</h4><br> <p>For this second <strong>season </strong>of <em>Byte-Sized Virtue</em>, we continue to take the episode structure in a bit of a different direction, at least in part. This is the second episode drawn from a discussion between Withstand the Fury Dragon and an friend old friend of his, <strong>Paul</strong>, whose philosophical musings he has consistently enjoyed and respected. And rather than talk about any specific Virtue or Principle from <em>Ultima</em>, or its real-world equivalent, they will be tackling a range of topics that...well, you'll just have to listen.</p><br> <p>In this episode, we discuss violence — in a real-world setting, which is something Paul is not unfamiliar with in his occupation. Donald Trump also comes up for a brief mention again, as do some of the recent foreign policy initiatives undertaken by the United States. And we wrap up with a bit more discussion about video games...and how, in particular, morality-driven storytelling in western RPGs owes a significant debt to <em>Ultima 4</em>.</p><br> <p><strong>Fun fact:</strong> this week is known as Holy Week in Christian religious observance; Friday is Good Friday, which for many will be a statutory holiday. In the Catholic tradition, Good Friday is also the only day of the year in which no Mass is said. That isn't to say that there aren't Catholic services on Good Friday; there are. But these are not full Mass celebrations; they are a modified service. In fact, Catholic priests are forbidden from saying the Mass on Good Friday — this is the only day of any given year where such a prohibition is imposed.<br> <br></p><h4>Music</h4><br> <p><em>Ethereal Void</em>, from the <em>Ultima 9</em> soundtrack</p>