Spam Spam Spam Humbug 41 - The Ageing Gamer III

Spam Spam Spam Humbug show

Summary: <h4>It seems like publishers just aren't making games for our demographic anymore. How, then, should we go about transmitting our love of gaming to the next generation?</h4> <br> <p><a href=";isi=691797987&amp;ius=googleplaymusic&amp;link=">Now Available on Google Play Music</a> | <a href="">Subscribe on iTunes</a> | <a href="">Subscribe on Android</a> | <a href="">Subscribe on Stitcher</a> | <a href="">Subscribe on Podbean</a></p><a id="more-6227699"></a><h4>Co-Producers</h4> <br> <p>As always, a hearty thank you to our <strong>Patreon co-producers:</strong> Seth, Johnny, Dominik, Chris, Violation, Adam, Erik, Thorwan, Cody, Pascal, and Neil.</p><h4>Podcast Topic(s)</h4> <br> <p><strong>We Arent't The Market Anymore: </strong>We may have overlooked the most obvious point in this discussion…almost nobody is making games targeted to the ageing gamer anymore! And even those companies that are still doing so aren't necessarily doing so (c.f. the controversy over lore changes and writing style in <em>Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear</em>).</p> <br> <p>So, what are ageing gamers to do? <br> <br></p> <br> <p><strong>Passing Games On to the Next Generation: </strong>For most of us who have grown up with games, there's also another question that looms large: we have kids now (or many of us do, at any rate), so do we want to see our kids pick up and run with a hobby that has brought us a lot of joy? And if so, how much do we want to involve ourselves in that...and how much do we want our kids to experience the same games that we did?</p> <br> <p><strong>Always remember:</strong> If you like <em>Spam Spam Spam Humbug</em>, please leave us a review on <a href="">iTunes</a>, <a href="">Stitcher</a>, <a href="">Podbean</a>, or anywhere else you listen to us. More important than that, however, is to make sure you <strong>subscribe to the podcast</strong>. This is especially true for iTunes; the more subscriptions a podcast has, the more visible it will be in iTunes. So, even if you subscribe to us using some other, better technology (<a href="">Pocket Casts</a>, for example), consider subscribing in iTunes (or in the Podcasts app) as well.</p> <br> <p>There's also the <a href="">Ultima Codex Patreon</a>. A $1 pledge will get you access to <em>Spam Spam Spam Humbug</em> episodes the day before they go live here on the Ultima Codex, and you'll be helping me both maintain and — with sufficient funding — expand the server infrastructure of the Codex to better deliver all the things you come looking for thereat. You can also support the site by buying computer games through <a href="">GOG</a>; the Codex is a GOG affiliate. This one is really easy; all you have to do is visit the Codex and click on the GOG banner in the sidebar <em>before</em> you go and buy a game at GOG. You won't pay any more for the game, but we'll get a bit of a commission on the sale.</p> <br> <p>Also, if you haven't already, you should totally sign on with the <a href="">Ultima Dragons group on Facebook</a>, or with the <a href="">Ultima Dragons community on Google+</a> . The Facebook group is easily the larger and more lively, but that just means that the Google+ one needs a few more members posting content there on a more regula</p>