Episode 116: Zbigniew Brzezinski on Global Realignment

The American Interest show

Summary: <div style="background-color: #eee; float: right; width: 30%; margin: 0px 0px 15px 15px; padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px; font-size: .85em;"> <p><span style=""> Relevant Reading:</span></p> <a href="http://www.the-american-interest.com/2016/04/17/toward-a-global-realignment/"><strong>Toward a Global Realignment</strong></a><br> Zbigniew Brzezinski<a href="http://www.amazon.com/Strategic-Vision-America-Crisis-Global/dp/046502954X"><strong>Strategic Vision: America and the Crisis of Global Power</strong></a><br> Zbigniew Brzezinski </div><p>Good evening, listeners! We have a special treat for you this week as host Richard Aldous welcomes Zbigniew Brzezinski to the show to discuss the ongoing seismic shifts in the global balance of power.</p>Zbigniew Brzezinski is a founding editorial board member of <em>The American Interest </em>and a counselor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. He was the National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter from 1977-81. He joins the program to speak about the ending era of American dominance, pointing out that this doesn’t mean the U.S. is in decline, but says more about changes in the nature of power. He looks at how global powers—from Russia to China, from the EU to the U.S.—all face similar challenges, namely that global power is no longer homogeneous and global complexity borders on being overwhelming. Tune in for a fascinating conversation that covers a wide variety of topics, from the chances that the world’s great powers might work together in the Middle East, to the mistakes of the Iraq War, to an evaluation of the Obama administration’s foreign policy.Be sure to <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/american-interest-podcast/id821109533?mt=2">subscribe</a> to the podcast on iTunes where you can also leave a review, and follow Zbigniew Brzezinski <a href="https://twitter.com/zbig">@zbig</a> and Richard Aldous <a href="https://twitter.com/rjaldous">@RJAldous</a> on Twitter.