MBFLP 115 – Competition and Athletics

Making Biblical Family Life Practical show

Summary: <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="http://ultimateradioshow.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/MBFLP-115-Competition-and-Athletics.jpg"></a><br> <br> If Christianity values self-denial, self-sacrifice, and love for others, how should we think of the competition and even stylized "combat" of modern athletics? Is it appropriate for a Christian to take part in competitive sports? Is there some contradiction between faith in Jesus and loyalty to a team? Leading into Super Bowl 50, we'll take a look at what the Bible says about athletics and competiton ... <br> <br> PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS<br> <br> 00:50 - Should Christians avoid being involved in competitive stuff? <br> 03:27 - The New Testament talks about the Christian walk in terms of competition and even warfare<br> 04:44 - Winning, not at all costs, but in the right way and by the rules<br> 06:30 - Moms may dislike competition for other than doctrinal reasons<br> 08:00 - Boys seem to love competition<br> 10:00 - When does competition cross a line and become bad?<br> 14:00 - Considering how sports will impact your family life<br> 16:39 - Athletic ability may be a gift to some in your family<br> 19:30 - Competition is not always and only athletics<br> 20:20 - What did the Puritans say about games and sports?<br> 21:43 - Competition to motivate in school <br> 22:50 - What can you do if there's no homeschool athletic<br> 25:50 - Being a Christian in church and on the field<br> <br> Want to read more about a Biblical view of sports and competition?<br> <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="http://www.raisingrealmen.com/" target="_blank">CLICK HERE and order Raising Real Men: Surviving, Teaching and Appreciating Boys</a><br> <br>