MBFLP 117 – Teen Romance: This Could Get Serious

Making Biblical Family Life Practical show

Summary: <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="http://ultimateradioshow.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/MBFLP-Teen-Romance.jpg"></a><br> <br>  <br> <br> What do you when you find your teenager (or even your pre-teen) has romantic feelings for another young person? How to you address this Biblically? In spite of what some teachers say, the answer is not cut-and-dried, and a lot of parents (and their kids) struggle with it. This episode, we dive in to try and find what the Bible does say and what it doesn't ... but more urgently, what do we do about it?<br> <br> PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS<br> <br> 01:05 - Romance is an issue sooner than you may think<br> 03:20 - Parenting needs to change as our teens transition toward adulthood<br> 04:18 - The critical thing to remember about older teens<br> 05:04 - Take them seriously!<br> 08:17 - Rules don't control the heart<br> 09:26 - What the Bible says about romance<br> 11:24 - What the Bible IS clear about<br> 12:10 - Don't underestimate friendship<br> 15:22 - How this conversation might begin<br> 17:32 - Keeping realistic and balanced expectations<br> 22:18 - Building a relationship of trust and respect early<br> 23:56 - God's plan for your child may surprise you - and your child, too<br> <br>