95: FIreplaces are B.S.

Turning This Car Around show

Summary: Here's an article on parenting. We don't really talk about it very much in this episode. Here's how to build an upside down fire. The Chimney Safety Institute of America says Duraflame logs are safe but Moltz doesn't buy it. Make sure your chimney doesn't get critters like raccoons. Our thanks this week to Mack Weldon. Mack Weldon makes fucking glorious underwear to hold your bits in the way they deserve and we know this because we're wearing it right fucking now. It is awesome stuff. So go to their site and use the promo code "TTCA" to get 20 percent off your order. And our thanks to Sleep Number, the best sleep of your life. Set your sleep number from 0 to 100 to adjust how firm or soft you want your sleep experience. Check out Sleep Number's temperature-balancing pillow. Find a Sleep Number store near you at SleepNumber.com and tell them Lex from Turning This Car Around sent you (really). Follow us: @ttcashow. Lex Friedman can be found @lexfri, John Moltz can be found @Moltz and Jon Armstrong is @blurb.