Earth Day Fun

Phil Hulett and Friends show

Summary: In tribute to our mother earth, we sought out stories and guests to amplify a message of conservation and environmentalism...accent on the "mental." Phil offered a quick list of the top Earth Day pick up lines. Gonzo Greg Spillane revealed some very sad news about the Great Barrier Reef and something a lady found in her basement that caused the hazmat team to shut down her neighborhood. Brooke Peterson tipped her hat to the creatures of the earth and why a crazy lady in Yellowstone is lucky to be alive after her encounter with a sleeping bison. Earth Day guests include: Professor Jennifer Becker who hopes for the day when we'll all be drinking reclaimed waste water and she detailed some of the advances in re-purposing waste water solids. Jim Wilkins runs a company that builds environmentally friendly tiny houses, as in 150 square feet tiny! You'll hear why people are buying these homes by the thousands. Beyond Earth Day, we remember the life and music of Prince who died this week at the age of 57. Manny the Movie Guy reviews this weekend's flicks but honestly can't wait until the Coachella crowd gets off of his lawn. Plus The Bitchy Waiter joins us from the other side of the menu. And finally, a creepy robot girlfriend from China is ready to serve your every need....we think.