Phil Hulett and Friends show

Summary: Does everyone really have sex on prom night? We have the definitive answer on this episode of Phil Hulett and Friends. Dr. Roberta Kline returns to the show to show you how to completely detox your body without trendy treatments like coffee enemas. Manny the Movie Guy reviews Captain America: Civil War and lists his top 10 super hero movies of the past 25 years. Colleen O'Grady makes a return visit to try to convince Phil how to treat mom (and his wife) better on Mother's Day. Kelly J joins Phil in the studio and they cover these stories: Hangover remedies, What Prince had in his system when he dies, Why is Train covering the complete Led Zeppelin 2? Apartments on Venus, Kids are wimps, sprinting great grandma, what not to get mom, David Bowie secret images on album cover, the Whopper Dog, Fried Chicken-flavored nail polish, and finally, the apps of the future are going to suck...unless you are color blind.