Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 02.25.16

Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour show

Summary: SHUTTING THE DIABLO CANYON NUKE is essential to the survival of human beings in North America.  We discuss developments at this twin reactor complex sitting on a dozen earthquakes faults with key experts in the fight. JIM HEDDLE and MARY BETH BRANGAN of the ENVIRONMENTAL OPTIONS NETWORK of northern California are joined by DONNA GILMORE of SAN ONOFRE SAFETY and CYNTHIA PAPERMASTER OF CODE PINK. We discuss the criminal negligence by Pacific Gas Electric that blew up 50 houses in the town of San Bruno and killed 8 people.  Such irresponsible safety abuse is everywhere evident at Diablo Canyon, where radioactive fuel canisters are leaking, critical security features can’t be inspected and major operating components have been installed upside-down. Thankfully, the BERKELEY CITY COUNCIL has joined the movement for sanity by passing a resolution to shut Diablo Canyon as soon as possible. This deep exploration with four great activists will tell you much you need to know to push ahead for the shut-down of these truly horrifying nukes.