Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 03.24.16

Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour show

Summary: Strip Flip Election Theft will keep us from getting to Solartopia. We discuss this with three great experts: Brent Blackwelder and Randy Hayes, both legends of the environmental movement; and Bob Fitrakis, co-author of the upcoming "STRIP FLIP SELECTION OF 2016: FIVE JIM CROWS ELECTRONIC ELECTION THEFT." We start with the Arizona primary, where long lines and major irregularities are deja vu for what happened in Ohio 2004, when the presidential election was stolen from John Kerry (who did nothing about it) for George W. Bush. We delve further into the dark realities of electronic voting machines and their primary function as tools to steal elections. We list the likely culprits: Big Money, the corporate parties, and so many more. If you care at all about the future of our democracy, don’t miss this show.