Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 04.07.16

Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour show

Summary: Election theft in SOLARTOPIA is our vital concern as we talk with Bob Koehler, Mimi Kennedy and John Brakey about how the 2016 primaries are being rendered dubious by the disenfranchisement of hundreds of thousands of citizens. Bob’s recent Commonwonders column calls attention to the 300,000 citizens deprived of their vote in Wisconsin. Mimi tells us of the struggles in Los Angeles for even a semblance of democracy. John paints us a beautiful picture of how democracy can work with his narration of an election on an Apache Reservation. Meanwhile, we confront the realities of a political system dominated by corporate money and the electronic manipulation of our precious right to vote. If you are concerned about our democracy (or what’s left of it) don’t miss this show.