2 girls a guy and a TARDIS - Episode 29 - Take Two

Doctor Who: Two girls, a guy and a TARDIS show

Summary: So a mere two weeks before we recorded this episode we had the opportunity of a lifetime, we were asked to be on a Doctor Who fandom panel at the first Chi-Fi convention at the historic Palmer House Hilton right here in Chicago. In fact we were so excited to tell all of you about the experience that I forgot to hit record and we talked for about 20 minutes before I realized it, hence Take 2 as the title. So anyway we tell you all about it, we pick our 3 favorite Doctors, talk about some casting news then babel about canon and other random things near the end, so thanks for your support and enjoy! We would also like to throw big shout outs the crew at Chi-Fi 0, DePaul University Professor Paul Booth, Jeff Burnham, Geek Girl Chicago (congrats on the wedding!), the crew at Our Fair City, Sebastian Orr Photography for some great photos, David Zoltan founder of Geek Bar Chicago and last but not least Mary Jo Chrabasz for all of her help. Oh, and most of all we'd like to thank all the Doctor Who fans that came to the panel and shared their opinions and passion! John, Joanna and Nicole Podcast powered by Spreaker. Go to <a href="http://www.spreaker.com/create">www.spreaker.com/create</a>