75: UnDACAmented

Life of the Law show

Summary: In 2012, the Obama Administration signed a memo addressing all branches of the Department of Homeland Security, which granted undocumented immigrants who migrated as minors to the United States a renewable deferral of deportation. It’s called Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals. DACA, for short. <br><br>Luis Perez Morales is one of those children. He crossed the border with his family when he was 8, and has been living in the U.S. since then. When he heard about the program, Perez Morales scheduled an appointment with an immigration attorney to apply for DACA. An encounter with Border Patrol agents, a week before his scheduled meeting with an attorney, changed everything. <br><br>Life of the Law Episode 74 "UnDACAmented" was sponsored by <a href="http://www.squarespace.com/">Squarespace</a>.