76: Juggalos

Life of the Law show

Summary: In 2011 the FBI’s National Gang Intelligence Center released their Gang Threat Assessment, which listed Juggalos as a “loosely affiliated hybrid gang.” Juggalos, who are more commonly known as fans of horrorcore rap and the Insane Clown Posse, say that this designation has been unfairly attributed to them based on the actions of a few violent outliers in the community.  In 2014 the Juggalos teamed up with the ACLU to sue the FBI to remove the gang classification. This case, Parsons v U.S. DOJ, is still making it’s way through the courts. But what does this mean for an average Juggalo who is now a gang member? And how does a group of fans become a gang?<br><br>Life of the Law Episode 76 "Juggalos" was sponsored by <a href="http://www.squarespace.com/">Squarespace</a> and <a href="https://casper.com/">Casper</a>.