A 10-year prognostic model for patients with suspected angina attending a chest pain clinic

Heart podcast show

Summary: In this edition of the Heart Podcast, associate editor Dr James Rudd chats to Professor Adam Timmis from the Barts Heart Centre, London, UK about his recent publication "A 10-year prognostic model for patients with suspected angina attending a chest pain clinic" http://heart.bmj.com/content/early/2016/02/29/heartjnl-2015-308994.full?sid=bd5e1edf-49cd-4a7d-b2cc-17f0c311890d. They discuss the motivation for his study, debate diagnosis vs. prognosis in angina, and cover how the online prognosis calculator can be applied in the local chest pain clinic. <p>Calculator: https://www.sealedenvelope.com/trials/pisa/</p>