The Office of Compline for February 7, 2016

The Compline Service from St. Mark's Cathedral show

Summary: February 7, 2016<br> The Last Sunday after the Epiphany<br> ORISON: O wondrous type! O vision fair (Tune: Aeterne Rex altissime) – Plainsong, Mode I, Zisterzienser Hymnar, 14th cent.<br> PSALMS 99 &amp; 150 – Plainsong, Tone VII.7 and Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924)<br> HYMN: Christ upon the mountain peak (Tune: Ibis) – melody Thomas Kuras (1950-1997); harm. Peter R. Hallock (1924-2014) *<br> NUNC DIMITTIS: Plainsong, Tone I; harm. Carolus Andreas (16th cent.)<br> ANTHEM: What Hand Divine – Erin Aas (b. 1980) *<br>  <br> Jason Anderson, director • William Turnipseed, organist • Page Smith, violoncello<br> Jeremy Matheis, reader • Thomas Adams, cantor<br> * – Available on the Compline Choir’s newest recording, <a href="" target="_blank">What Hand Divine</a>.<br>