Without a Vision, Jan 24, 2016

The Rock of KC show

Summary: -Prov. 28:18, Habakku 2:1-3 (the Bible talks a lot about vision) - we're all called to fulfill God's purposes on the earth - we bless with our vision 1. we exist to love God (Mark 12:28-30) 0 with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength 2. we exist to love others (Mark 12:31) - from Jesus' own mouth, "nothing is greater" 3. we exist to serve (John 13:2-17 - note that the blessing is in the doing, not the seeing or hearing, Mark 10:42-45) 4. we exist to act generously (Acts 10:35, Luke 6:37-38, 2 Cor. 9:6-7) - prayer requests: - increase our serving base - Saturday service - adding a 3rd Sunday service - interviewing architects/builders - establishing satellite campuses