Mike Clelland – The Messengers

Radio Misterioso show

Summary: <a rel="attachment wp-att-2968" href="http://radiomisterioso.com/2016/01/19/mike-clelland-the-messengers/mikec/"></a>Mike’s new book <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Messengers-Owls-Synchronicity-UFO-Abductee/dp/0967799570">The Messengers</a> defines a new category in close encounter studies. He has singlehandedly created and developed a whole subgenre of the abduction/ encounter scenario with his careful and insightful observations of the imagery of owls that are reported along with strange experiences. He has been studying this phenomenon intensely for about five years. He does not assign the classic abduction scenario to his own strange and sometimes disturbing experiences, and he does not judge or categorize other accounts that he has collected.<br> He says that the owl connection to abductions is something that has been a factor for a long time, but it was one of the things that major researchers like Budd Hopkins and John Mack considered just another of the many weird outlier events connected with their studies and which they wouldn’t normally reveal because it didn’t fit in a neat box with their main focus. Mike has concluded that as an archetype, the owl imagery fits in very well as a way to view connections between apparent alien encounters and the human history of mythology and symbolism and how they help us deal with issues of the psyche. One of the most striking non-UFO stories that Mike has collected involved a girl who was prevented from committing suicide due to an amazing encounter with an owl.<br> Illustration courtesy Red Pill Junkie<br>