Kansas is Proof that Welfare Reform Works

Coffee and Markets show

Summary: Download Podcast (http://www.coffeeandmarkets.com/CoffeeandMarkets021816.mp3) | iTunes (http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=322896948) | Podcast Feed (http://coffeeandmarkets.com/feed/podcast/) On today's edition of Coffee and Markets (http://www.coffeeandmarkets.com), Brad Jackson is joined by Kristina Ribali to discuss welfare reform, how Kansas proves that it works, and why welfare recipients and taxpayers both win with common sense reforms. Related Links: Report: The Power of Work – How Kansas’ Welfare Reform is Lifting Americans Out of Poverty (http://thefga.org/research/report-the-power-of-work-how-kansas-welfare-reform-is-lifting-americans-out-of-poverty/) The Foundation for Government Accountability (http://thefga.org/) Follow Kristina on Twitter (https://twitter.com/KristinaRibali) Follow Brad on Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/bradwjackson) The hosts and guests of Coffee and Markets speak only for ourselves, not any clients or employers.