WOTUS comes to SCOTUS: Oral Arguments heard in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers v. Hawkes Company

Federalist Society Practice Groups Podcasts show

Summary: Can the Feds keep the courthouse doors closed to you when they have effectively frozen your property? That is the question the Supreme Court of the United States considered on March 30th, when the Solicitor General, representing the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Pacific Legal Foundation, representing Hawkes Company, squared off regarding the Corps’ decision that Hawkes Company could not use its property for peat farming without first spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in pursuit of a federal wetlands permit under the Environmental Protection Agency’s “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) rule. Pacific Legal Foundation argues that its client should be allowed to challenge that decision, called a Jurisdictional Determination, in court; the Corps disagrees. What will the justices say? The co-counsel for the Hawkes Company who appeared before the Supreme Court discussed the case, how the oral argument went, and what we might expect to see in the Court's decision. -- Featuring: Mark Miller, Managing Attorney, Atlantic Center, Pacific Legal Foundation.