The Country That's Making the Stock Market Crazy

Money Talking show

Summary: <p>For many economists and analysts, this week's turbulent stock market isn't surprising. They knew it was coming — and they knew where it would be coming from: China.</p> <p>But for the rest of us, it seemed like China's image changed overnight: from major engine of global economic growth to one of the market's biggest liabilities. When the Dow Jones fell more than a 1,000 points at the start of trading on Monday, it was perhaps the first, most visible indicator that if China stumbles, the global market will feel it.</p> <p>Host Charlie Herman asks <a href="">Rana Foroohar</a> from <em>Time</em> and <a href="">Jordan Weissmann</a> from <em>Slate </em>whether the communist nation is up to the task of directing its faltering economy.</p>