The Half-Hour Drama of Picking a Show to Watch

Money Talking show

Summary: <p>It’s being <a href="">described</a> as a “Golden Age of Television,” but with so many choices and so many ways to watch, it’s also a time of confusion.</p> <p>Hulu. Netflix. Amazon. HBO. Showtime. Not to mention network TV. They are all creating new programming that’s getting people’s attention.</p> <p>And now, there are reports that <a href="">Apple</a> might be looking to create it’s own, exclusive programming.</p> <p>For viewers, it can be a daunting to figure out which shows to watch, where to find them, and how much it will cost. And that doesn’t even include finding the time to actually watch the shows.</p> <p>This week on Money Talking, <a href="">Emily Steel</a> with the New York Times and <a href="">Tim Stenovec</a> with Business Insider review how television as we know it is being upended, who will be the winners and losers, and what it means for consumers.</p> <p>If you’re looking to cut the cord and say good bye to cable, here’s Steel’s <a href=";_r=0">guide</a> for figuring out which streaming service to use, and how much it will cost.</p> <p> </p>