Limited Appeal - A toast to pointy wieners and trampoline

Limited Appeal show

Summary: While adjusting T-Bone's audio, we accidentally start to consider the many ways in which humans like donuts. You may be surprised to hear some of them! Inevitably, that discussion leads us to flatworms, of course. If you're not aware of hypodermic insemination, or haven't thought about how it might affect a lonely worm, you are in for a real treat. And, in a strange departure from most of our content, some of the material we bring up is actually pretty close to true. You can probably figure it out on your own, but if necessary, do a Google Images search for pointy wieners for help. Top tip: under no circumstances should you actually follow the advice in the previous sentence. To complain about the retinal scarring you may have suffered if you didn't heed the warning above, send us an email ( Theme music courtesy of General Patton vs. The X-Ecutioners and Ipecac Recordings.