Spam Spam Spam Humbug 36.5 - Ultima Online: 2015 in Review

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Summary: <h4>Spam Spam Spam Humbug reviews development on (and news about) <em>Ultima Online</em> that took place in 2015.</h4><p><a href="">Subscribe on iTunes</a> | <a href="">Subscribe on Android</a> | <a href="">Subscribe on Stitcher</a> | <a href="">Subscribe on Podbean</a></p><a id="more-6090345"></a><h4>Intro</h4><p><em>Creation Theme</em>, from the<em> Ultima Online </em>soundtrack</p><h4>Podcast Topic(s)</h4><p>Welcome back to another year of <em>Spam Spam Spam Humbug</em>. This year, to ring in 2016, episodes for the month of January will mostly be focused on re-capping the news pertaining to <em>Ultima</em>, including <em>Ultima Online</em> (which, at least for now, is the only game still in active development that is carrying on the <em>Ultima</em> namesake), various <em>Ultima</em> fan projects, and also different games that have been inspired by <em>Ultima </em>(including <em>Shroud of the Avatar </em>and <em>Underworld Ascendant</em>).<br> <br> <br> <br> This week, we will be looking at what has transpired with <em>Ultima Online</em> over the course of 2015.<br></p><h5>2015 in Review</h5><ul> <li>(14 JAN, 2015)<em> </em><a href=""><em>Ultima Online</em>: Promotional System Offline for Upgrade Tomorow</a> - Broadsword Online Games will be making updates to the Promotional System in <em>Ultima Online</em> tomorrow.</li> <li>(5 FEB, 2015) <a href=""><em>Ultima Online</em>: Valentine’s Day Gifts Inbound; Watch for Red Cupid</a> - Broadsword Online Games will be adding some Valentine’s Day-related content to <em>Ultima Online</em> tomorrow.</li> <li>(11 FEB, 2015) <a href=""><em>Ultima Online</em>: Publish 89.1 Coming to TC1</a> - Broadsword Online Games have released <strong>Publish 89.1</strong> for <em>Ultima Online</em> on the <strong>Test Center</strong> shard.</li> <li>(15 FEB, 2015) <a href=""><em>Ultima Online</em>: Publish 89 Additions; Housing Warehouse Temporarily Down</a> - The Housing Warehouse in <em>Ultima Online</em> is down, this shortly after a housing-related change was released for <strong>Publish 89</strong>.</li> <li>(18 FEB, 2015) <a href=""><em>Ultima Online</em>: <strong>Publish 89</strong> Now on Izumo, and on Origin Tomorrow Morning</a> - Broadsword Online Games have corrected the housing issue in <em>Ultima Online’s</em> <strong>Publish 89</strong>, and have pushed the update out to the <strong>Origin</strong> and <strong>Izumo</strong> shards.</li> <li>(20 FEB, 2015) <a href=""><em>Ultima Online</em>: Callback Phone Support Now Offered</a> - Broadsword Online Games will now offer phone support callbacks for <em>Ultima Online</em>.</li> <li>(23 FEB, 2015) <a href=""><em>Ultima Online</em>: <strong>Publish 89</strong> Goes Global</a> - <strong>Publish 89</strong> for <em>Ultima Online</em> will be released to all remaining shards either tonight (for European shards) or tomorrow (for North American shards).</li> <li>(24 FEB, 2015) <a href=""><em>Ultima Online</em>: <em>Time of Legends</em> = <em>Savage Empire</em>, <em>Ultima II</em></a> - The <em>Ultima Online</em> team has put together a video diary of what they hav</li> </ul>