Link Between Eczema & Asthma

Healthy Talk show

Summary: Can controlling asthma help with eczema outbreaks?Eczema is a condition where your skin becomes inflamed, resulting in red rashes, chronic itching, and dry skin. According to the National Eczema Association, there are over seven types of eczema, and over 30 million Americans have this condition. New research is suggesting that eczema often can lead to asthma. Asthma occurs when you have inflammation in your air passages that results in the narrowing of the airways that transport oxygen from your nose and mouth to your lungs. Symptoms include difficulty breathing, wheezing, coughing, and tightness in the chest. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the current number of adults suffering from asthma is 18.7 million. Can controlling asthma help with your eczema outbreaks? Listen in as Dr. Cheryl Eberting shares the correlation between asthma and eczema.