Was Mitt Romney’s Loss A Good Thing For The GOP? Ft. Richard Viguerie (PODCAST)

The Freedom Report show

Summary: <br> Conservative icon Richard Viguerie joins the Freedom Report to discuss the civil war in the GOP. A staunch critic of Mitt Romney, Viguerie tears into the big government Republicans in his new book "Takeover: The 100 Year Battle for the Soul of the GOP." Known as the "funding father" of the modern conservative movement, Viguerie lays out a battle plan for the true limited government conservatives to wrest control of the GOP away from the establishment. <br> Viguerie draws on his vast knowledge and experience in politics, discussing the "dark days" for conservatives when Barry Goldwater had lost, when there was no Fox News and no Tea Party. Now, he says, there is a stronger movement that could theoretically take over the Republican party by 2017 if they take heed and follow his advice. <br> All that and more on the Freedom Report podcast! <br>