TV Tan 0104: Hail Santa!

TV Tan Podcast show

Summary: NSFW (Not Solely For Wiggas): Bill Frost (Salt Lake City Weekly & X96) and Tommy Milagro (shaking off a birthday hangover in a dumpster near you) talk Steve Harvey & Miss Universe, 10 and out for Big Bang Theory?, Banshee pushed to April, Seinfeld & Obama, Mother May I Sleep With James Franco?, Game of Star Throne Wars, Streaming TV ain't TV, Marky Mark ripped off Ballers?, Mindy predicted Master of None, an abortive attempt at an Xmas movie roundup and What to Watch Harder Over the Holidays (F Is For Family, BoJack Horseman, Jessica Jones, Casual, Doctor Who Christmas, Archer, The Man In the High Castle, Supergirl, From Dusk Till Dawn, Tina & Amy's SNL, Mystery Science Theater 3000 and Invader Zim's Horrible Christmas). Drinking: Vodka from OFFICIAL TV Tan sponsor Sugar House Distillery.