Series Finales From Past TV Series.

The Baby Boomer Radio, TV, Movies, Magazines, Music, Comics, Fads, Toys, Fun, and More Show! show

Summary: We look back to the days when TV shows had a series finale, here on Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site. We recall many of our favorite series finales of the past. Remember the days when TV programs had full seasons beginning in the fall? The series would end in the late spring, and maybe several repeats of prior episodes. But some of our most favorite programs from earlier times had very notable final episodes. Series such as The Fugitive, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Hawaii Five-O, MASH, and many others had endings that we remember so well to this day. We look at these shows and others and recall a time when TV was very different from what it is today. Our Retro-Commercial is a great vintage one for United Airlines, advertising their flights to San Diego! The TV is warming up, so join us on this episode of Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site on the Galaxy Nostalgia Network!