Runescape Weekly 2/9/2015

Runescape Weekly show

Summary: You're listening to runescape weekly for 2/9/2015. I'm your host Magebit with over 13 years of Runescape experience. On today's show:    Co Hosts: NuxGuest Host:RSW Looking for New Talent! questions, our answers!http://questions.runeweek.comResponsive Combat Voting check-in,353,81,65565952,&showuser=Mod%A0KelpieSpeed Rings WatchRedditPSA: Easy way to clear friends list Confession of the Day:“I have no friends. At all. Not IRL and not on RS. I have many acquaintances, but I always fail to take it further or maybe I am just that worthless.”~Picked by Mage“I started playing Runescape about 7 months ago after a long brak (I've played since 03). I only got into it after I took a semester off Uni because of money problems and not knowing what I wanted to do with my life and hating my accounting degree. Tbh now that I think back on it I was almost fine in the earlier part of last year, once I was on my break I only worked like 1-3 shifts a week and the rest of the time I would just sit at home, playing Runescape and working on maxing. There was a period of about a month or two where I did nothing but play runescape for anywhere from 14-18hrs a day. After a few months I started getting depressed and still am I think. Like I don't blame Runescape but outside this game I have no friends where I live now cos I moved. My life is nothing but shit now where I just play Runescape and hope it brings me some happiness or wallow in sorrows. I'm hoping that going back to Uni will help me out, I've been severely depressed and gained a lot of weight. I'm honestly scared I'm going to end up”~Picked by Nux------------------------------------------------------------------------Please submit your ideas!Engage Usfacebook.runeweek.comtwitter.runeweek.comgplus.runeweek.comshop.runeweek.comquestions.runeweek.comRate and Review us in iTunes - itpc:// Us Out!