Runescape Weekly 11/13/2015

Runescape Weekly show

Summary: <p>You’re listening to Runescape Weekly 11/13/2015. I’m your host Magebit with over14 years of Runescape experience. On today’s show:Co Hosts: Pyrnassius, The RRmanGuest Host: Harley B Runescape Weekly Hiring! TeamSpeak: IP: drygoreWould an EOC option in DarkScape make you interested in playing It? /poll Discussion: Treasure Hunter P2Ws;jptv=community_newsWhat makes Ripper demons better than Wyverns claws could’ve been cool the Raptor Stay? Brutal Whip is Free you could change one thing… is a noob, today? type of boss do you want next? - Secondary Ring Slot,374,292,65704524,goto,3Crystal urns,374,737,65677547Telegrab &amp; Area Loot,374,822,65707019Orts to inventory!,374,892,65568001Defender Loot Beam,374,129,65701943Leviathan Buff?,374,14,65697562How many trees in runescape? Below![Engage Us] @RSWeekly Rate and Review us in iTunes - itpc://  - See When Shows are Scheduled! [ Help Us Out! ] -  http://shop.runeweek.com  Donate Bonds! - Support Our Giveaways!</p>