Runescape Weekly 12/15/2015

Runescape Weekly show

Summary: <p>You’re listening at Runescape Weekly 12/15/2015. I’m your host Magebit with over 14 years Runescape XP. On today’s show.Host: MagebitCo Host: dxthelbInformant: TV MusicThis week in RuneScape History (13th-19th December) Ethereal Fix,367,2,65718948Q&amp;A 12/15 Cursed Tides Review,16,923,65719004Feedback on Top ideas,388,21,65719353Invention time cost Monthly is broken Item death glitch,16,979,65718651Suggestion: Rework Mammoth Pouch Runescape Soundtrack,15,562,65715895Keylogged &amp; Banned,15,892,657191622011 The Year it Ended,15,999,65719217Runescape Weekly Hiring! TeamSpeak: IP: drygore_____________________________________________Links Below![Engage Us] @RSWeekly Rate and Review us in iTunes - itpc://  - See When Shows are Scheduled! [ Help Us Out! ] -  http://shop.runeweek.com  Donate Bonds! - Support Our Giveaways![ Special Thanks ]Colton UStefan L Ole-Gunnar Elisha C God SlayerRexDalton C LS 3Sudwood</p>