SOTG 302 – Infamous Anti-Gun Sheriff Shoots Himself

Student of the Gun Radio show

Summary: We do not know whether or not to label this under irony, karma, fate or even kismet, but a notoriously anti-gun/pro-disarmament sheriff in Iowa negligently launched a bullet into himself. Before you assume that you know what Professor Paul is going to say, take a deep breath and listen louder. During our SWAT Fuel Warrior of the Week segment a listener has a question regarding just how many rounds a person should expect to fire through their self-defense handgun without a stoppage. A valid question indeed. SOURCES:  Visit the Silencer Shop Website: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> From <a href=""></a>: "A fairly well-known anti-gun sheriff seems to have shot himself in the hand on Wednesday night while cleaning his firearm. Des Moines County Sheriff Mike Johnstone negligently discharged a round into his left hand, and was subsequently transported to the hospitals emergency room. His injury has been described by medical personnel as non-life threatening, but a hand surgeon was called in to assist. According to the Iowa Firearms Coalition, Johnstone has advocated for more and more gun-free zones. But perhaps Johnstone is most well-known for his statement from 5 years ago. When Iowa’s concealed carry law went from “may issue” to “shall issue,” Johnstone campaigned diligently against the change. He predicted ‘Wild West shootouts,’ and called it “A RECIPE FOR DISASTER.” Well, here we are five years later, and Johnstone’s ‘Wild West shootouts’ never happened. However, there may be some truth to the lawman’s statement. If all gun owners were irresponsible enough to negligently shoot themselves, it might have been “A RECIPE FOR DISASTER.” Fortunately, that doesn’t happen because most gun owners are trained and responsible. I’d like to recommend the sheriff take one of those gun safety classes that Iowa concealed carriers have to take. He might learn something. In the meantime, I’m leaving a few pointers below for the Sheriff to read during his recovery." Student of the Gun Radio airs every Monday through Thursday  at 9 a.m. EST and can be found by going directly to <a href=""></a>. Those using mobile devices can follow us with iTunes or Stitcher. SOTG Radio is a Think On! production. Student of the Gun is the #1 source for education, enjoyment and enlightenment of real-world firearms including: training, videos, radio, books and articles. A beginner once, a student for life. <a href=""></a> Being a Student of the Gun is not about being a novice or beginner. Student of the Gun represents a lifelong journey of education, enlightenment and the enjoyment of firearms. Each episode will introduce the viewer to new and interesting firearms as well as the latest gear to go with them. We will travel throughout the United States, seeking the advice and expertise of the best firearms trainers available. Sometimes deadly serious, sometimes just for fun, Student of the Gun will always strive to educate and entertain our viewers while offering them an insiders’ look at the worlds of firearms. About the Host Paul G. Markel has worn many hats during his lifetime. He has been a United States Marine, police officer, professional bodyguard, and small arms and tactics instructor. Markel has been writing professionally for law enforcement and firearms periodicals for nearly 20 years, and has hundreds of articles in print. A regular guest on nationally syndicated radio talk shows, Markel is a subject matter expert in firearms training and use of force. Markel has been teaching safe and effective firearms handling to students, young and old, for decades and has also worked actively with 4H Shooting Sports programs.