SOTG 305 – California High School Diplomas: The New Participation Trophy

Student of the Gun Radio show

Summary: Ignorance, distraction, and guilt; that is how you keep a free people subservient. California has upped the ante in the ignorance department with new form of participation trophy. While nothing that the people who elected Governor Moonbeam twice do should surprise us, Kalifornia has sunk to a new low in keeping its peasants ignorant. In more Slave State news. the People’s Republik of Kalifornia has wiped its collective rear ends with both the 4th and 14th Amendments to the United States Constitution. Certain people in the People’s Republik will soon be given the opportunity to “surrender their property” to state officials. Visit the Silencer Shop Website: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> VIDEOS: Part 1: Ignorance Part 2: Distraction Part 3: Guilt SOURCES:  From <a href=""></a>: "On January 1, California residents will have to accustom themselves to a number of new laws that will be implemented in the state. These are some the laws that will likely have the most profound effect: SB 172: High school seniors will receive their diploma whether or not they pass or even take an exit exam; the law also applies retroactively to students who have graduated since 2004; SB 178: Will force law enforcement to obtain search warrants in order to examine citizens’ emails, text messages, Internet search history and other digital data; SB 199: Airsoft guns will be required to show aspects marking them as toys, such as fluorescent trigger guards; SB 277: Will require most children to obtain full vaccination by July so they can attend school in September; SB 549: Allows in-game charity raffles allowing winners to keep 50 percent of ticket sales, rather than the current 10% and the rest going to charity; SB 588: Permits the California Labor Commissioner to place a lien on an employer’s property to try and recoup the value of wages left unpaid; SB 707: Bans concealed firearms from college campuses and K-12 school grounds; AB 202: Cheerleaders for professional sports teams will be regarded as employees; AB 329: Makes participation in sex education courses mandatory for students unless parents opt-out, would also inculcate the teaching of a fluid gender identity; AB 359: Forces stores to keep employees for at least 90 days so they cannot be fired as a result of buyouts or mergers; AB 775: Forces crisis pregnancy centers” to post a sign alerting clients of the existence nearby of public family planning programs, including abortions; AB 1014: Will permit family members to obtain a restraining order to keep relatives who might commit gun violence from owning a gun; AB 1100: Will raise the fee for a statewide proposition from $200 to $2,000; AB 1422: Forces Uber, Lyft, and similar entities to give the California Department of Motor Vehicles access to driver records. From <a href=";utm_medium=social"></a>: "Beginning January 1, police in California may confiscate firearms from gun owners thought to be a danger to themselves or others without giving the owner any notice. This is the result of the implementation of “gun violence restraining orders” (GVROs), which go into effect New Year’s Day. According to KPCC, GVROs “could be issued without prior knowledge of the person. In other words, a judge could issue the order without ever hearing from the person in question, if there are reasonable grounds to believe the person is a threat based on accounts from the family and police.” And since the order can be issued without the gun owner even being present to defend...