SGJ Podcast #127 – Descent Underground

Space Game Junkie Podcast show

Summary: Hello my friends, and welcome back to the Space Game Junkie podcast after a small and unintended hiatus! In this week’s episode, <a href="">Jim</a> and I sit down with some of the key folks behind <a href="">Descent: Underground</a>, including Director of Fun Eric Peterson, Creative Director Rob Irving and Community Manager Keith McCormick all of Descendent Studios. First, however, we wax nostalgically about <a href="">Conquest: Frontier Wars</a> and much more! As Conquest is one of my all-time favorite RTS games (maybe my all-time favorite, it’s hard to tell), I was just giddy to talk to Eric about the game (though now I’m kicking myself not talking to Rob about SWAT 4).  We then play Descent itself and have a blast talking about the game, its Kickstarter, the road to Steam early access and more. It’s a VERY fun show, and we had a great time making it.<br> We hope you have as much fun listening/watching the episode as we had creating it. :) Next week, we’ll bring back our old buddy Paul Zakrzewski to talk about his currently <a href="">Kickstarting sequel to Void Destroyer</a>, which looks amazing. Thanks for watching and/or listening!<br> <br>