176: Halloween Sabbath

Inappropriate Conversations show

Summary: My Sunday School teacher when I was in high school worked for the local newspaper where he was, among other things, the music critic. A good guy, he wasn't the type to denounce rock 'n' roll as "the devil's music" or anything like that. On the other hand, he did tell me that I would one day grow out of my interest in early Black Sabbath and no longer have any use for their albums. Well, I have since bought the original eight "Ozzy years" albums on CD, so that prediction completely missed the mark. No, I still love many aspects of early Black Sabbath and never hesitate to share that love. I have some friends who have made the most of the phrase, "mix tapes mean 'I love you.'" That came to mind when I stitched together this last (for this year anyway) Halloween tribute on Inappropriate Conversations.Different Drummer: Rory Guy