DDOCast 395 - Necklaces

DDOcast show

Summary: Axel and Shamgar talk about 2 game updates, 2 weeks of game and community news, adn get into the necklace slot on our 395th episode of DDOCast! NOTE: Technical difficulties resulted in a less than stellar audio quality. We apologies for the inconvenience Have thoughts on this show, ideas for round table topics, questions you want to ask us, or topics youd like to see us debate? Leave us a comment, send us an email (ddocast@gmail.com) or give us a tweet (@ddocast)! Check out www.ddocast.com for mp3 audio, our show calendar, swag, archives, and more! Want to support the show? You can feed the kobolds (give money) on our website www.ddocast.com! We use these gifts to support the show and give out prizes. Necklaces - 2:37 News - 38:24 Lightning Post - 1:17:52 Closing - 1:07:04 U27 Patch 1 - https://www.ddo.com/en/update-27-patch-1-release-notes Update 27 patch 1 hotfix - https://www.ddo.com/en/update-27-patch-1-hotfix-release-notes DDO Chronicle 154 - http://www.ddo.com/en/news/ddo-chronicle-issue-154 DDO Chronicle 155 - https://www.ddo.com/en/news/ddo-chronicle-issue-155 Notes to Strike a Chord 6 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4u4h5nuG9s8 DDO Wrath Teaser Trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17y_3ddUlkQ&feature=youtu.be DDO: Permadeath Ep37 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvKL8w4FSJQ Vooduspyce: Gingerlocks Ep14 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7Rml-LVEr0 Axel: State of the Healer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f__PC5xwUQo DDO Gamer: 3 Years of Bug Reports - http://www.gamergeoff.com/three-years-of-bug-reports-the-results-are-in/ DDOGamer: Named Weapon Graphs - http://www.gamergeoff.com/fun-with-graphs-named-weapons-by-type Geek Mom: Redwillow - https://confessionsofageekmom.wordpress.com/2015/08/13/and-then-she-was-8/ Bambi the Insane: Kobold Notes - http://www.gamergeoff.com/ixengixs-notes-on-the-kobold/ Repository Of Sneaky Endevours - https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/464038-R-O-S-E-Repository-Of-Sneaky-Endeavors -- Watch live at http://www.twitch.tv/ddocast