ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD - by Ordinary Christians

Jesus Christ is here now! show

Summary: New Release 4 of 5 part series of Ordinary Christians. In this episode, the explore how Adam entered the Kingdom of God - Believe, Repent, be Water Baptised.  Receive (in) Holy Spirit is a gift and the Baptism of Holy Spirit is to empower (upon) to witness Yeshua to others.  It is very visual and the audio doesn't do these documentaries any justice.  'Ordinary Christians' Documentary is a 5 part series. It answers the questions why and what is the Good News of the Kingdom, how to get in? And once in - what next?  It is based on the journey of a man called Adam (he is an amalgamation of many people out there).  It is centered on Yeshua (Jesus)More infowww.youtube.com/c/OrdinaryChristiansLifewww.heavenscatalyst.orgwww.nakedlife.org