GQ's 10 Reasons to Quit Porn

Sex Afflictions & Porn Addictions with Craig Perra (sex addiction, porn addiction, sexual health) show

Summary: I love it when Men’s Mag’s discuss the issue of pornography from a masculine perspective. We don’t have to get into the is it good, is it bad, the moral debate, free speech, censorship - what we can do is look in the mirror and ask ourselves is porn enhancing our lives, our masculinity, our relationships . . or not . . . is it brining more love into our lives . . . or less . . . <br><br>GQ, a popular men’s magazine recently tackled this issue. In this video I’m going to share with you GQ’s 10 reasons to stop watching porn. <br><br>Here's the article - <a href="" rel="noopener"></a>