MGoRadio 1.3: Maryland Invaded

MGoBlog: The MGoPodcast show

Summary: 1 hour 57 minutes [Patrick Barron] Also a big thanks to our sponsors. The show is presented by UGP & Moe's and frankly would not be happening without them; Rishi and company have been on board here from almost the beginning. Shopping with them helps us and supports good dudes. Our other sponsors are also key in the expanding empire: thanks to Homesure Lending, Draft Kings, Ann Arbor Elder Law, Liz Crowe, and TiqIQ. Maryland Recap That went rather well. Gimmicky Top Five List: Pet Peeves From Fellow Fans That one guy I know who left Braylonfest early is never going to live it down with himself. Basketball open practice chatter Chatman's improve shooting form; Spike still a little gimpy; I defend Doyle's lateral mobility from accusations I can be surprisingly impressive. Catch us Mondays 5-7 on 1050 WTKA. THE USUAL LINKS Helpful iTunes subscribe link General podcast feed link Direct download link What's with the theme music?