Every Creature - Faith & Science Series Part 1

Day1 Weekly Radio Broadcast - Day1 Feeds show

Summary: Scott Hoezee: Does the universe that science is uncovering in evermore wondrous detail have no purpose and no meaningful place for humans? Listen to some people these days, including some vocal scientists, and you will hear the answer loud and clear: "No, not really. We don't matter. The universe is pretty much pointless." Peter Wallace: That's the Rev. Scott Hoezee...and today we begin a special series on "Faith & Science in the 21st Century." I'm Peter Wallace...this is Day 1. Sherrie Miller: Welcome to Day1, the weekly program that brings you outstanding preachers from America's mainline Protestant churches, sharing insight and inspiration from God's Word for your life. Today we launch an exciting series of special programs. To introduce this week's preacher, here's our host, Peter Wallace. Peter Wallace: Thank you, Sherrie. Today we begin a special eight-part series of Day1 programs: "Faith & Science in the 21st Century," made possible through the support of a grant from the John Templeton Foundation. Over the next eight weeks we'll explore together some of the major issues of science today with a goal to facilitate meaningful conversation around these issues, particularly among people of faith. To get us started on our quest to engage the big questions that have riddled humanity since the dawn of civilization, we're honored to have with us the Rev. Scott Hoezee, an ordained minister in the Christian Reformed Church of North America, who has served two congregations in Michigan as pastor. Since 2005 Scott has been a member of the faculty of Calvin Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where he serves as the director of the Center for Excellence in Preaching. Scott is a graduate of Calvin College and earned his master of divinity at Calvin Seminary. He is the author of several books, including his latest, "Actuality: Real Life Stories for Sermons That Matter." Scott, thanks for helping us get this series started!