Open Line, Wednesday - 12/2/2015 - Scripture scholar Fr. Mitch Pacwa

Open Line Wednesday show

Summary: Did Mary have any sins? Aaron is our youngest caller today and he asks that question later. But first, Alice asks why the sacraments cannot be administered to children under the age of reason. Fr. Mitch Pacwa hosts “EWTN Open Line—Wednesday.” Lorraine asks about Gregorian Masses for the dead, as her husband recently passed away. Jim wants to know more about the Jewish roots of the baptism of John the Baptist. Janet asks about Exodus 13 and the reference to “the first to open the womb.” Does that also include females? Victor is the catechist at his parish and his 9-year-old daughter knows the Catechism. Can she just skip class and receive Holy Communion? Ken wonders what are the consequences for his niece who is fallen away from her faith but insists she can still receive the Eucharist. Is she committing a mortal sin? Get encyclopedia answers, cowboy-style here on “EWTN Open Line—Wednesday.”