Episode 298: Nick Cooney, and Miyoko Schinner’s Vegan Pantry

Our Hen House show

Summary: Welcome to the 298th episode of Our Hen House, featuring <a href="http://www.nickcooney.com" target="_blank">Nick Cooney</a>, with a review of Miyoko Schinner’s <a href="http://miyokoskitchen.com/miyoko/" target="_blank">The Homemade Vegan Pantry</a> (review by the wonderful <a href="https://twitter.com/cubancuervo" target="_blank">Amanda Crow</a>). As always, the Our Hen House podcast is co-hosted by us — <a href="http://www.jasminsinger.com/" target="_blank">Jasmin Singer</a> and Mariann Sullivan.<br> On today’s episode, we discuss teeny tiny (vegan) grilled cheese sandwiches (thanks, <a href="http://www.jayastafa.com" target="_blank">Jay Astafa</a>, <a href="http://www.vegnews.com" target="_blank">VegNews</a>, and <a href="http://www.mooshoes.com" target="_blank">MooShoes</a>!); fancypants restaurants; the stellar LGBT outlets that <a href="http://www.ourhenhouse.org/press" target="_blank">covered</a> our new video, <a href="http://bit.ly/ARgayR" target="_blank">Coming Out for Animals</a> (join our <a href="https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/31638-coming-out-for-animals" target="_blank">Thunderclap campaign</a> so that we can spread the word about this video as part of National Coming Out Day!); and evidence that the whole issue of what really happens on “humane” farms is bubbling to the surface. We’ll have plenty of “Rising Anxieties” today, too, as well as current events from the world of animal rights.<br> For our feature interview, activist and author <a href="http://www.nickcooney.com" target="_blank">Nick Cooney</a> will be talking with us about <a href="http://The%20whole%20issue%20of%20what%20really%20happens%20on%20humane%20farms%20is%20bubbling%20to%20the%20surface." target="_blank">How to Be Great at Doing Good</a>.<br> Then, animal advocate <a href="https://twitter.com/cubancuervo" target="_blank">Amanda Crow</a> will give us her take on Miyoko Schinner’s latest book, <a href="http://miyokoskitchen.com/miyoko/" target="_blank">The Homemade Vegan Pantry</a>.<br> All that, vegan banter, and of course, current events from the world of animal rights. There’s a ton of Rising Anxieties today, too — so hold onto your seitan. The Our Hen House podcast is co-hosted by us — <a href="http://www.jasminsinger.com/">Jasmin Singer</a> and Mariann Sullivan.<br> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/our-hen-house/id350069146?mt=2"></a>You can listen to our podcast directly on our website (beneath this paragraph!) or you can listen and subscribe on <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/our-hen-house/id350069146">iTunes</a> or <a href="http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/jasmin-singer/our-hen-house">Stitcher</a>! Also, if you like what you hear, please rate it on iTunes and Stitcher, and don’t forget to leave us a friendly comment! Of course, we would be thrilled if you would also consider <a href="http://www.ourhenhouse.org/donate">making a donation</a>, or becoming a <a href="https://donatenow.networkforgood.org/ourhenhouse">member of our flock</a> (especially if you’re a regular listener). Any amount is hugely appreciated, and Our Hen House is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, so it’s tax-deductible! You can also <a href="http://www.ourhenhouse.org/stuff-2/dedicate-a-podcast-episode/">dedicate a podcast episode</a>! Don’t forget – we’re reader and listener supported. Plus, we offer some fantastic <a href="http://www.ourhenhouse.org/stuff-2/">thank you gifts</a> for your donations. Thank you for helping us create quality content, and for helping us bring you a new podcast episode each week!<br> The Our Hen House theme song is written and sung by the incredible <a href="http://michaelharren.com/">Michael Harren</a>.  Special thanks to OHH Media Coordinator <a href="http://chickpeasandchange.wordpress.com/">Alessandra Seiter</a> for acting as the Associate Producer of the Our Hen House podcast, and huge props to OHH’s Director of Operations, Anne Green,