Episode 299: Dawn Moncrief, David Coman-Hidy, and the Best Vegan Lip Balms

Our Hen House show

Summary: Welcome to the 299th episode of Our Hen House, featuring <a href="http://awfw.org/team/" target="_blank">Dawn Moncrief</a>, a review of vegan lip balms by <a href="https://twitter.com/thisgirlisveg" target="_blank">Danielle Legg</a>, and a special appearance by <a href="http://www.thehumaneleague.com/our-story/" target="_blank">David Coman-Hidy</a>. As always, the Our Hen House podcast is co-hosted by us — <a href="http://www.jasminsinger.com/" target="_blank">Jasmin Singer</a> and Mariann Sullivan.<br> On today’s episode, we discuss how and why Mariann killed time by eating vegan Chinese food in Lake Placid, NY; the inherent beauty (and exploitation) of Saratoga Springs; the <a href="https://humaneleaguelabs.wordpress.com/2015/09/20/report-which-request-creates-the-most-diet-change-vegan-vegetarian-eat-less-meat-or-cut-out-or-cut-back-on-animal-products/" target="_blank">Humane League Lab’s recent study</a> about what messaging works better (vegan? vegetarian? eat less meat?) — <a href="http://www.thehumaneleague.com/our-story/" target="_blank">David Coman-Hidy</a>, <a href="http://www.thehumaneleague.com" target="_blank">The Humane League</a>‘s Executive Director, will be joining us for that conversation; wicked up-charging for dairy-free milks; and, of course, “Rising Anxieties.”<br> Our feature guest today is <a href="http://awfw.org/team/" target="_blank">Dawn Moncrief</a>, the director of <a href="http://awfw.org/team/" target="_blank">A Well-Fed World</a>, a hunger relief and animal protection organization “chipping away at two of the world’s most immense, unnecessary and unconscionable forms of suffering… the suffering of people hungry from lack of food, and the suffering of animals used and abused for food.”<br> For our review, we’ll be joined by animal advocate extraordinaire <a href="https://twitter.com/thisgirlisveg" target="_blank">Danielle Legg</a>, who will be sharing her thoughts on the best vegan lip balms to get us through the upcoming chilly weather.<br> BONUS: Here are some of Danielle’s favorite vegan lip balms — which she will squawk more about on today’s episode:<br> <br> <a href="http://sageandarrow.storenvy.com/" target="_blank">Sage and Arrow</a>: New Moon Lip Balm and Lunar Lip Balm<br> <a href="http://www.fancifulfox.bigcartel.com/" target="_blank">Fanciful Fox</a>: Essential Oil Lip Balm, Peach Cobbler, and Fat Pucker — all made in Brooklyn<br> <a href="http://www.theorangeowlshop.com/shop/#balms" target="_blank">The Orange Owl Shop</a>: Cinnamon and Spice<br> <a href="http://www.eyeslipsface.com/studio/lips/lip_balm/gotta_glow_lip_tint" target="_blank">E.L.F</a>.: Gotta Glow Lip Tint<br> <a href="http://www.hurrawbalm.com/" target="_blank">Hurraw</a>: Black Cherry tinted and Orange<br> <br> All that, vegan banter, and of course, current events from the world of animal rights. The Our Hen House podcast is co-hosted by us — <a href="http://www.jasminsinger.com/">Jasmin Singer</a> and Mariann Sullivan.<br> Today’s episode is being sponsored by the upcoming cruelty-free fashion and conference show brought to you by the <a href="http://www.afsconference.org/" target="_blank">Anti-Fur Society</a>! The Anti-Fur Society invites you to join them on Saturday, November 21 for their Cruelty-Free Fashion Show &amp; AFS Vegan Conference at Landmark on the Park, 160 Central Park West, New York, NY — in the heart of Manhattan! This year’s Anti-Fur Society Conference &amp; Fashion Show will present special opportunities for ethical fashion traders, designers, models, and beauticians to showcase their products. They will continue to show the public that beauty &amp; elegance do not need to hurt sentient beings.  More information and registration available here: <a href="http://www.afsconference.org/" target="_blank">www.afsconference.org</a>.<br> <a href="http://www.afsconference."></a>