SNS Sticks & Flicks 09-23-15


Summary: Sticks &amp; Flicks is back on the SNS Radio Network and Ashley is back as well to keep you informed on all the major stuff going down in gaming and entertainment. The gaming news this week includes rumors of a new Wolfenstein game in the works, an eSports owner gets in trouble over drugs (but not in the way you’d imagine), the MGS5 criticism and controversy, which ties in to the reports claiming that Konami is leaving AAA game development altogether, save for Pro Evo Soccer, Hitman &amp; Starfox get delayed to 2016, the PT inspired Allison Road heads to Kickstarter, Capcom disappoints at Tokyo Game Show with an uninspired Resi Evil game coming and much more, including a guy thinks he knows how to drive by playing video games… with expectedly disastrous consequences.<br> Lots of movie &amp; entertainment news to start part 2, with Jack Ryan &amp; The Mist possibly heading to TV screens, along with a Taken prequel, John Wick 2 beginning shooting this year, Captain America &amp; The Joker could be heading for a Girl On A Train, the critically acclaimed Sicario has a sequel in the works, Trainspotting 2 is a step closer to getting made, Elizabeth Banks may be heading to direct a reboot of Charlie’s Angels, Ice Cube is ready to become Scrooge and much more. Ash then runs through the movies and theatre productions he’s seen over the last few months, including Inside Out, Amy, Jurassic World, Minions, Spy, Othello, The Beaux Stratagem, Straight Outta Compton, American Ultra, Legend, Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation and more.<br> The final segment has Ashley’s preview of EGX 2015, this year in Birmingham in the UK, with over 150 indie games alone being playable at the event, developer sessions including Q&amp;A’s with Mike Bithell &amp; Shuhei Yoshida and showcases of Hitman with the voice of 47 himself, a retro area spanning 30 years of gaming which includes a mock 80’s classroom with old school programming on showcase, some major eSports tournaments including a $100,000 CS: GO Champions Of Champions event, VR gets even more showcases with games and demos running on Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear, HTC Vive and Playstation VR, and of course the biggest AAA games which include Halo 5, Star Wars Battlefront, Street Fighter 5, Rise Of The Tomb Raider, Starfox Type Zero, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, Just Cause 3 and Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3.<br> <a href=""></a><br>