A Biofuel Breakthrough, And The History Of Political Conventions

The Conversation Podcast show

Summary: A Breakthrough In Biofuel: A small biotech company in Seattle announced today that they've secured enough funding to expand their research on how to cultivate blue–green algae to make fuel. KUOW's Ashley Ahearn has more. The History Of Political Conventions: This week Republicans are gathered in Florida for the Republican National Convention. Before the convention even kicked off, we knew that Mitt Romney would be the nominee and it seems unlikely that there will be any surprises at either convention this year. In a world of scripted politics, do conventions still matter? Ross Reynolds talks with Julian Zelizer, a professor of history at Princeton who thinks they really, really do. Fear Of A Black President: Ta–Nehisi Coates, a senior editor at The Atlantic, says he noticed something about one of this year's major news stories — When Trayvon Martin, a black teenager, was killed by a white man in Florida, there was widespread dismay. And then President Obama spoke on the issue. Coates spoke to NPR's Morning Edition earlier today about his recent article, "Fear of a Black President," which analyzes the pervasiveness of race in Obama's first term.